Monday, March 08, 2010

C25K - W1D3

So I wanted week 3 to happen outdoors. I thought I had heard that outdoor running was easier than treadmill running. I KNOW that I heard that it's different. But let me just say, running on asphalt SUCKS. I felt it in my shins right away AND in BOTH knees.

Needless to say, I'm going to stick to the treadmill for a while. I guess there's more shock absorbtion on the treadmill (at least it seemed that way).

I only got in 1 interval in the neighborhood. I walked the rest of the 1/2 hour instead.

I think that I'm going to do each session 4 times, rather than the suggested 3 times. Especially now since I haven't really RAN since friday. My plan is every other day - regardless of what day it is. So today is a rest day and I have to fit it in tomorrow (which is a busy day). There is an exercise room in my office building that I can use. I just don't want anyone there. It's small and you kinda can't help but notice my fat butt shuffling along for 60 seconds like God knows what. Maybe I can force myself to get up early and just do it at the gym. We'll see.

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