I had this (who I thought was a) friend who I knew since high school. Back in high school, I thought she had issues. She was a pathological liar. She told grandiose stories about how she was employed by a certain MLB club, how she, at age 16 had an affair with a famous MLB player clear across the country. She even forged an autograph for me. How do I know it was forged? It was in HER handwriting. She was a total attention whore. I went to the movies with her once with a guy I was interested in (not that I should have been, but that's a story for another day) and I accused her of moving in on him. So what did she do? She decided to buy every candy bar in the movie theater and threaten to binge herself. I was worried, so I called her mother from a pay phone (this was before cell phone days!!) and her mother accused me of being irrational and that I basically MADE her do what she’s doing. Well, after that episode, she and the guy became an item because, in her words, “he was the only one who could remove that candy from my hand” and now their married.
We fell out of touch for a long time after that. I was supposed to go to her destination wedding. I was excited for that. I had hoped that she had grown up and out of the whole lying for attention thing. But, she kept waffling over whether or not she was inviting people because, as she put it, her mother was spending all the money she should be spending on the wedding on plastic surgery after her gastric bypass. Again, the drama over all that. So, I never bought my tickets and about 2 months before the wedding, I got an invitation which I had to decline because I couldn’t plan a vacation that soon to get down to the destination. We remained in touch here and there over the years. I knew from a long time ago she never wanted kids but I guess she was told she was infertile and decided that no one was going to tell her she couldn’t do anything, so she went through all this fertility stuff. I felt for her. And then her daughter was born. And then, 10 months later, another daughter (which I understand, because, if you’re told your infertile, you don’t exactly take any precautions). But then, 10 months after that, while supposedly on birth control, she has ANOTHER daughter. Coincidence? I think not. I’ve learned to take anything this woman says with a grain of salt. It’s all about the attention factor.
Now, she’s miserable. Totally miserable. A mother to 3 beauties who she never even wanted to begin with. She blogs about it all for the world to see. She’s not working and her husband is in the construction business so he is out of the house probably at 4AM every day and comes home and is asleep early. She bitches about him, about the girls, about her bank screwing her over with the mortgage. She’s filing for divorce on such and such day, she’s going to the doctor on such and such day, she’s doing this that and the other thing but then comes up with some elaborate woe is me reason for why none of it is happening. Someone she doesn’t even know but is a friend on FB called the COPS on her once because she had intimated, on line, that she took off and abandoned the kids. Strangers on FB were messaging ME asking me if she’s ok, because I “really know her”. That was almost a daily freaking occurence that she wrote. She is always writing about drugging herself with Xanax and wine and bitching and bitching and bitching. That kinda slowed after the whole cop thing though, which really, again, leads me to believe that none of it was true, and she was caught with her pants down in a bad way.
I seriously believe that she’s written me off because I’m on to her. At one point, I told her mother I was concerned for her and she (my friend) went all ape shit on me. I had to tell her like it is. I told her that if I’m concerned about her, and feel that her mother (who can better assist her) needs to know (especially when the whole friggin INTERNET knows her business), then too bad. What was her answer to me? “well, I told my mother that you went to the cape and she asked why and (my husband) said, ‘to sink it’. If you don’t like THAT then too bad.” Yeah, like that’s an even comparison. It’s really a sign that you’re a friggin lunatic, attention whore, asshole.
Needless to say, things haven’t been the same since. Her mother has reached out to me, but I’ve ignored her. I don’t need to deal with this crazy bitch’s shit. My conscience is clear. I made people aware of what (supposedly) is going on in this woman’s life.
So now she’s got a minor “following” on her blog. All the “oh, you are SUCH a great mom” crowd. The accolades. The people who don’t know her from adam. The people who don’t know that it was HER decision to move to booneyville an hour away from her family. The people who don’t know the shit she’s pulled. They grace her with all the attention she craves. And the nay-sayers-she deletes.
This is not to say that I don’t still worry about her. She’s constantly talking about begging for God to kill her off. That her kids are better off without her. Maybe she needs to be placed under evaluation. Not necessarily because something bad is going to happen, but because her emotional state is not good for her, her husband and most of all, her girls. Who I’m sure can feel and feed off her misery. Some day, they’ll make a connection between themselves as the cause of her misery. The thing is, I can’t do anything about it. I did what I could. I tried to be there. And she wrote me off. So, I hope that she wises up or that her husband does and that her daughters aren’t traumatized. She needs help and possibly be committed.
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