Monday, August 16, 2010


Well, my department let go 5 people last week so Wed-Fri has been a blur here in the office. Very sad. Very scary. Very shitty all around. So that's why I haven't updated in a few days.

I ate my first heirloom tomato during this period. It was wonderful. I have other tomatoes starting to ripen, which makes me happy. However, I did lose more tomatoes, and 3 peppers to the caterpillar/worms. With all the stress from work, this sent me over the edge and pesticided the crap out of those suckers. If you get any peppers or tomatoes from me, make sure you wash them - well. Screw those caterpillars.

I need to re-train my brain to get back to the "eat healthy! eat local!" bandwagon. The past few days I've been like, "I don't feel like cooking crap." And I haven't. And the result is me throwing away more than I should.

Brian & Christine had another kick-ass barbeque on saturday. It was just what I needed to clear my head from the 1/2 week of crappy work stuff. Then we had Brian's birthday dinner on sunday. My dad bought a 6" x 6" ice cream cake that made me laugh in hysterics. Surprisingly enough, it was plenty for the 9 of us who were there.

Saturday is the Banditos Misteriosos water gun battle and I've been assigned to the team from the future. Basically, you get told when/where to show up about 10 hours before the event. You wait for a signal, and all hell breaks loose in some public place. It's really funny to see people who aren't involved say, "WTF is going on???" and start taking pictures. I kinda want to dress up a little bit. They give you guidelines (past army = black, brown, grey; future army = primary colors). I think I'm going to do a half-assed interpretation of Leela from Futurama - that is, if I can find an appropriate purple wig. This may not be the best idea, being a female at a water gun fight, in a white tank top... I may have to layer up with a camisole or something. LOL. The Banditos are the same people who organized World Pillow Fight Day (fighting starts in this video at about 1:02). Again, this is just random crap that amuses me that I like to do, so I throw it out on to see if anyone else wants to go because apparently I'm the only person I know with the time/energy/interest to do this crazy crap. LOL. You're only as old as you feel, right?

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Im so sad that I cant go to the Water Fight!!! I have to work at 130 :(. it looks like a ton of fun though!!

Sorry to hear about your department :(. Crossing my fingers that everything works out ok!

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