Sunday, March 07, 2010

C25K (Couch to 5k) - W1D2 (week 1, day 2)

So, Jenn was over on Friday and was going to go to the gym with me. Of course I'm telling her about how i'm afraid of my knee blah blah and what not. She told me that I was thinking too much about it and to just do what I have to do. I told her I only jogged for 60 seconds on Wednesday. She said, "Well, that's more than you jogged last week." That was exactly what I needed to hear. I figured, if I could do 3 of the intervals this time, it would be an improvement. So off to the gym we went.

Of course, SHE was the one reluctant to get on the treadmill when we got there. She wanted to do the elliptical machine. I told her that she couldn't and she had to run with me. So, we synched our ipods and started together.

Well folks, I'm SOOOOO happy to report that I did SEVEN out of the eight intervals!!!! I skipped #7 because I just needed to get my heartrate down. So, I (you know, ME), I slowly & lightly JOGGED for SEVEN MINUTES. Not 7 straight, but 7 nonetheless. Now, I felt like I was going to throw up afterwards (because I ate not long before we went, and probably because my HR was wicked high... I need to find out what my starting HR is so I can make sure I cool down back to that HR).

So, yesterday was a rest day (and I'll blog about my adventure in spontaneity later) and today I'm hoping to do this outside since it's supposed to be another nice day. I feel like I'm making progress towards a goal and that is a nice motivator. It's nice also, that I'm purposely not tying it in with weight loss goals or diet goals. This is a personal "life" goal for me and hopefully, the other things will follow suit as I go along. At this point, I will do whatever stage of the training I'm at once the March of Dimes walk comes around. If that means that I'll do 5 minute intervals for 2 hours to complete the 3 miles, so be it. Like Jenn said, it would be more than I've done the week before...

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