Friday, March 05, 2010

a mish mosh post

So yesterday - my day "off" from the gym - was a little weird. I was pretty stiff all day, which I just attributed to my new "routine" that my body hasn't done in months. But when I got ready for bed, I noticed my knee was considerably swollen. Not as bad as it was when I first injured it, but more swollen than it has been in like a month. Ice and NSAIDs are in order, I guess.

I went to dinner last night with some of my buddies from ceramics class. Class was cancelled cuz the teacher was on vacation so we decided to get together to socialize without greenware and paint and bisque in our way. For some strange reason, I decided to get pasta at the 99. My gut told me not to, but I saw it come out of the kitchen and it looked so good! Reality check - it was just... ok. What the heck did I think? It was pasta at the 99. I should have gotten the chicken I wanted instead. Oh well. It was a good time, with good friends. I've known these ladies for what? 7-8 years? We're like our own group therapy... pissing and moaning about life's woes while also pissing and moaning that our ceramic christmas trees look like crap. LOL good times.

So, tomorrow I'm going to UML with my mom and Jeremy (and maybe dad) for a campus tour. His application has been officially completed and he's already been accepted to Middlesex CC (which I have heard is impossible to not get accepted, and after seeing their application process, I believe it). So now just waiting to hear from UML and SSC. It makes me want to go back to those days and choose the cheaper school and live on campus. However, I met some BFFs as a result of my days at NU and I wouldn't trade them.

After the tour, I am heading to some yet to be determined location in Boston to participate in the Boston Society of Spontaneity's event. For those who aren't in the know, the Society of Spontaneity (SoS) is an organization that kinda promotes and organizes spontaneous random acts in public places. I'm sure you've seen videos of random people at malls or restaurants bursting out into song and dance, or have heard of pants-less on the T day... Well, this group does stuff like that. Some of their past "gags" have been lining up at south station to buy train tickets and then falling down like dominoes, or, gathering at Christopher Columbus park (where hundreds participated) where they all played their previously downloaded podcasts that directed them to do strange things (like, hide from anyone not participating, dance like it's a disco, start a fashion show cat walk). It sounds hysterical to me to have the general public be like, "what the eff is going on?" and if it makes them laugh... even better! So, I'm on the email list and am on watch to get my "orders" to find out where to show up. I won't even know what we're doing until I get there. I hope to take pictures (or get pictures from the group) and blog about this experience.

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