Friday, May 07, 2010

#73 - Put a random color in my hair

I did it! Since I really can't run the March of Dimes walk this weekend, I decided to go a bit crazy and put some purple streaks in my hair in honor of the March of Dimes.

Thanks to Juliette, I'm now oh so hip. It's a bit darker than I'm used to, but I think I like it. It's going to force me to wear makeup because, if I don't, I look a bit like a Cullen...but not in that beautiful sort of way... I think if I were ever to do this again, I'd have her go a little more chunky with the color. I was a scared little baby though, and had her do some foils instead.

Me in the office this morning

You can see it much better in the sunlight. Here I'm in my car.

See the little streak there?

here it is right after getting it done... it's all blended in nicely


mnmelanson said...

Cute! Love it!

MoDLin said...

Purple stripes - you're AWESOME! Thanks for supporting the March of Dimes!

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