The more I think about gardening...the more I go around in circles. I've been back and forth to Lowes buying and returning a whole bunch of times. I bought a big roll of weed barrier and today I realized, if I mulch over this, I can't work the mulch into the bed for next year without un-installing all the weed barrier, and then installing it again in the spring. I wouldn't be able to work (or amend) the soil at all if I have a synthetic barrier there. *sigh*
So, I think I'm going to return the weed barrier and landscape pins and go the REAL organic way and use newspaper covered with mulch. That way, ALL the materials go back into the soil, creating new soil (and I'd be recycling newspaper).
Given this new revelation, I actually may get to plant this weekend. The herb planter got planted this morning (parsley, basil, garlic chive and the lonely tarragon that was left over from last year) in a speed gardening session before work. I'll be very happy once these babies are in the ground and establishing themselves. I still need to buy a topsy turvy planter for my Bush Goliath plant. Dad says he'll attach a bracket on the deck for me to hang it... let's see if that happens.
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