Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Garden Update (in photos)

Here are my latest (and nearly final) soil amendment purchases made yesterday (which are all produced & bought locally). I got a call from the Lobster Tail Fish Market in North Andover today confirming that I can get my fish heads SUPER FRESH if I call the day before and they'll have them for me fresh the next morning.

Coast of Maine Lobster Compost (to work into the soil) &
Dark Harbor Blend Mulch (to cover the weed screen)

Neptune's Harvest Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer
(this stuff smells like low tide!!!)

I took these pictures this morning when I woke up and tended to my "babies". They were under the table for protection from the storms yesterday and I put them out in the sun today. They've grown SO MUCH since when I first bought them.

Strawberry Plants (6 plants)
I already have a runner...mama plant wants to have babies!

Close up of the withered blooms...hopefully these are pollinated!

(l-r: Pink Brandywine (2), Celebrity (2), Better Bush (1) )

(2 sweet, 2 hot cubanelle)

Herb Garden
(one lonely sprig of French Tarragon that came back from last year)

(l-r: Tarragon, Parsley, Basil)

And last but not least, Jinks, the foreman. Just look at the scrutiny in his eyes:

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