Thursday, May 13, 2010

FINALLY! A Vacation!

Last November, I was on a business trip with my boss and we voluntarily gave up our seats and took a later flight in return for a free round trip ticket to anywhere in the continental US, food voucher, and first class upgrade going home.

I’ve been sitting on this voucher wondering when I was going to use it. I had friends who were “so sure” about going on vacation, that I looked up cruises, and flights and sent them to them, only to have it fall by the wayside due to finances, or family commitments, or just plain lack of real interest… I don’t know. Yeah, I was bitter over this because it’s always the same story, year after year. Let’s go on vacation, and then when deposits are due, I’m the only one ready to pony up. I understand that people have responsibilities (financial, familial, and business), but should it really be so hard to plan a trip 11 months in advance? It just sucks, because I have the time, the means and the desire to go somewhere, and I feel like everyone else is like… blah. Please don’t read further into this. I’m not holding this personally against anyone. I don’t hate anyone … I just want to GO ON VACATION.

Enter Mrs. D. who is going on a business trip to Vegas this summer. Mrs. D. asks if I want to go, since I’ve never been. Now, let me think about this: Free flight, free hotel room, someplace that is NOT HERE… hmmm… HELL YES!

Now, I know that Mrs. D is going to be busy with the conference and with colleagues and what not…but you know what? I’m OK with that. I’m actually more than OK with that. This way, I can do things at my own pace (slow) and maybe some things that Mrs. D. isn’t necessarily interested in, since she’s been there before. We’ll have some time together (depending on the schedule) and I think we’re going to see a show. She says it’s a great city to explore on your own (which she did when she was there before). Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to spend more time with Mrs. D., but, judging from my diatribe above, this may be the beginning of my foray as a solo traveler. What better way for me get used to this idea than to be flying solo, and having a “part-time” travel companion during this trip. I mean, it may be time for me to “do me” and go on a damn vacation if I want to, regardless if others accompany me or not. I love you, Mrs. D. for thinking of me (and I can’t wait to hit the Wynn buffet with you).

So anyway, my flight was just booked yesterday. After a horrendous attempt at trying to book it over the phone with someone clearly sitting at a phone bank in New Dehli, I drove my ass to the airport and booked exactly what I wanted – in person. It only cost me some time, gas, and $3 parking (and I stopped to watch the planes take off from the roof of the garage… I actually miss the airport…). I already reserved a spot at the off-site airport parking place (because my flights times are VERY inconvenient to have someone drop me off and pick me up) and I’ve reserved a rental car for one of the days I’ll be out there so I can explore a little (and go to the Hoover Dam). Now, I’m just crossing my fingers (and checking the seat maps daily) that no one sits next to me on the flights… on all of the flights I’m on the window, and someone else is on the aisle, with a middle seat open. I know it’s highly unlikely, but maybe at least the flight out of Boston with a little extra room…please, God?

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