Monday, July 19, 2010

yadda yadda

Guess what? I'm now down SIX pounds. Thank you, fresh vegetables, that I'm spending so much money on, for making me eat so much more of you so I'm not wasting my money. And thank you, concept of Zumba, for getting my butt off the couch once a week (even if I don't like my soon-to-be-ex-instructor).

Hey! Remember Seymour, my humongous brandywine tomato plant? Well, he is now about 1/4 inch TALLER than the PVC pipe that i staked in LAST WEEK. I don't know WTF to do with this plant! I do know that I'm going to have to buy a step ladder to harvest. 90% of the tomatoes on this plant are at eye level and higher.

Oh, and the other tomato plants are now as tall as their original (6 foot) posts (including my regular ol' celebrity tomatoes). Looks like I'm going back to Home Depot for more PVC pipe. The hot peppers are now as tall as their 4 foot stakes. My brother laughs at me, but yes, I am tying my pepper plants so they don't sag with the weight of their peppers on them (And so my fat butt can fit through the row).

My uncle is amazed at the height of these plants. He's been growing tomatoes and peppers (and a host of other things) for over 30 years. He has over 100 tomato plants growing right now. I hope and pray that they don't get blight. Looking to my grandpa's horseshoe (which hung in his garden for years, and is now hanging in mine) for good luck. I'm almost out of fungicide so I'm going to have to buy more.

Oh, and the topsy turvy plant is on its last leg. I think I'm going to take it down in the next few days. I think there is way too much stress on the plant. The planter holds WAY too much water and I feel terrible for killing this tomato plant in a slow agonizing way. Maybe I'll try putting it in the ground to see if it comes back to the land of the living. I don't have high hopes for it though. :-(


debbie T said...

congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the good work!

debbie T said...

congrats on the weight loss! Keep up the good work!

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