Monday, July 12, 2010

Feed Me, Seymour...feed me all night loooong

Thanks, Dawn, for putting this in my head regarding my gigantic tomato plant. So, without further adieu, here are photos of my garden.(Click on photo to enlarge)

(L-R: hot banana peppers, sweet cubanelle peppers,
brandywine tomatoes, celebrity tomatoes)

baby brandywine tomatoes (notice the teardrop shape they grow in and the ridges in their skin, rather than the smooth round "regular" tomatoes we see all the time)

Celebrity tomatoes (nice and round, smooth and plump!)

And the star of the garden, which I think I'll name "Seymour". Notice the PVC pipe it's now attached to. It nearly reaches the top rail of our deck.

Strawberries I picked this morning

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love the pics, I want a Seymour, my tomatoes are tiny container tomatoes. I got 1 cherry so far and am awaiting picking time for the others. Good luck and keep it up. I think we all should get to eat something we grew ourselves!

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