It's been a while since I've posted a blog. I generally use photos to prompt my musings but my camera is not compatible with my computer here and my computer at home is slower than my grandma (God rest her soul) so I'm going to have to have CVS put them on a CD for me. I have lots to share (Vegas, garden, Boston Pops, 4th of July). So until then, this post will just be a mish mosh of whatever-ness.
My long weekend was AWESOME. I had a great time with my family at my aunt's house. We spent HOURS in the pool like we used to when we were kids. Lots of laughter and fun. And food. I've been eating better in recent days since I've been getting my CSA share, but the 4th brought back food cravings. I think I did ok with the actual meal of the day (some pasta, a naked grilled chicken thigh and a spare rib). But dessert & snacks set me back (tiramisu, cookies, chips, spinach squares). I had such hungry horrors at midnight. It's amazing how the body's chemistry works. I haven't had cravings like that in a while.
So back to the grind today. I made a huge pot of giambotta yesterday (and froze 4 bags of it for future use). I also made about 40 stuffed grape leaves that I'll probably have throughout the week. They're pretty good. I think if I make them again, I'll cut the meat in half and double the rice. Have you heard of Meatless Monday? It's an initiative through Johns Hopkins School of Public Health encouraging people to cut out meat for one day out of the week. I just took the pledge to be meat free on Mondays. There are lots of great vegetarian main dish recipes out there. Reducing meat consumption is good for you and good for the planet (especially if you get your meat from the grocery store rather than local sustainable farms). Check it out. This pdf has all you need to know to go meatless on monday.
Oh, and I'm starting Zumba today! I keep watching videos on youtube and I think, "This is freaking awesome". We'll see how I feel tonight when I get home. I just have this huge grin on my face watching the videos. This really seems right up my alley. We'll see how I feel when I'm done with the class. Today is like 98 degrees and humid. It better be air conditioned in this place!
I picked one tiny tomato off the topsy turvy plant and when I cut into it, it was rotted inside. Friggin thing. I do have a bunch of hot peppers growing quite long, and my other tomato plants are starting to fruit. The strawberry plant has a bunch of berries on it, but my mother says that they won't get enough sun in the window if I bring them in the house. I may have to build some sort of cage to keep the chippies out.
1 comment:
Hi Melissa,
Thank you for taking the pledge to go meatless on Mondays! It must be pretty easy to go meatless since you get so many great vegetables from your CSA! Like you mentioned, going meatless has many health and environmental benefits, such as reducing your risk of chronic preventable diseases and saving precious natural resources. Many bloggers like to make weekly Meatless Monday posts featuring a meatless meal that they made or thoughts about the benefits of going meatless. We also feature original, healthy, and meatless recipes on our website submitted by bloggers, linking back to the blog source. If you’re interested in making weekly Meatless Monday posts or in submitting original recipes, please contact me at Thanks!
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